Racial Equity Message and Planning

 We believe racism is a social disease that limits our overall human achievement and keeps communities from fulfilling their maximum potential. It is also structural and systemic – meaning it’s been built through policies, propaganda, financial incentives, legislative and other efforts.

Where do we go from here?

 We also believe there is power in the hands of everyday people (working with strong leaders) to transform our underserved and underprivileged communities. Towards that end, The Leadership Square is working with various organizations to empower everyday people to solve racism problems by:

1. Implementing black studies curriculum in pre-K through 12

2. Implementing black consciousness training

3. Increasing parental involvement in school, especially pre-K through 8 grades

4. Increasing post-secondary skills training/credentialing access and mentoring

5. Increasing childcare availability

6. Increasing elderly housing and support

7. Increasing inner city safety through community member monitoring and interventions

8. Increasing dilapidated housing remediation and green spaces

9. Increasing lost cost home improvement programs

10. Increasing black social interactions: festivals, nanny shares, etc.11. Increasing mental health access and utilization

12. Increasing access to healthy foods

13. Decreasing the incarceration rate and recidivism

14. Increasing home ownership

15. Increasing black-owned banks

16. Increasing and supporting black-owned businesses

17. Increasing EEO complaints in professional organizations

18. Reforming the legal system

19. Increasing voter registration and voting access

20. Increasing Africa/U.S. relations